cough blood中文什么意思

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《英汉医学词典》cough blood
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  1. i cough blood all the time
  2. because when you saw me coughing blood, you took me by the hand, because you wept, because you are the only human being who ever felt sorry for me
  3. either i turn you down, in which case you will resent me, or i say yes, in which case you won t have much of a mistress; someone who is temperamental, ill, depressed, or gay in a way that is sadder than sorrow itself, someone who coughs blood and spends a hundred thousand francs a year ? which is all very well for a rich old man like the duke, but it s not much of a prospect for a young man like yourself


  1. cough ... up 什么意思
  2. cough a lot 什么意思
  3. cough and a spit 什么意思
  4. cough and cold preparations 什么意思
  5. cough and die 什么意思
  6. cough button 什么意思
  7. cough buttons 什么意思
  8. cough caused by dryness 什么意思
  9. cough caused by fire evil 什么意思
  10. cough due to dryness evil 什么意思


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